If all those out-of-continuity inter-company crossovers of the '90s weren't enough for you (Archie Meets Punisher, anyone?), here's one that's actually a multi-part crossover mini-epic: the Marvel Universe meets the Top Cow Universe...
"Enjoy Boobarama, sir..."
Mephisto's son, Blackheart, recently rose up against him, killing him and taking the Hell's throne. But (surprise, surprise) evil never dies. Mephisto is back and he's eyeing up Sara Pezzini's Witchblade over in the Top Cow Universe (TCU). Or at least I think that's what he's eyeing up...
Mephisto loves it when a plan comes together. Especially when that plan is marrying Sara Pezzini and ruling the TCU. But first he's going to need to obtain the Silver Surfer's power cosmic. Mephisto's plan has also been rumbled by Fist of Weapon Zero who needs to find away to travel to the Marvel Universe (Earth-616)...
In the TCU, Weapon Zero are investigating the disappearance of their team-mate, (the inappropriately named) Fist. Mephisto tricks the Silver Surfer in helping him to cross dimensions from Earth-616 into the TCU.Eternity enlists the aid of Ghost Rider through the sorceress Jennifer Kale, sending him to the TCU to disrupt Mephisto's diabolical plans. Cyblade arrives and, after the inevitable hero/villain-misunderstanding-clash-ballbags, the pair team up against Killrazor who's been possessed by Mephisto. With Killrazor defeated, Mephisto appears, taking Cyblade and leaving Ghost Rider alone on a strange world...
Mehpisto possesses a horde of New Yorkers, forcing them to kill everyone in their path. Ghost Rider finds himself another ally, Ballistic, to subdue them. Their battle against a host of demons is watched from afar my a familiar mutant...
Wolverine has travelled to the TCU with Zoe Culloden of the interdimensional holding company Landau, Luckman & Lake. Culloden is captured by the Mayor of New York and, while trying to locate her, Wolverine finds himself teaming up with Ballistic. The new 'mayor' turns out to be Ballistic's Cyber Force team-mate, Heatwave, now possessed by Mephisto. They free Culloden and rush to Times Square only to find it looking like a ghost town...
Weapon Zero continue their search for fist, running into the parasitic alien T'Srri race in the process.
Cyber Force tackle Mephisto's possessed hordes while Heatwave plans his next move and takes on a new identity as the Fire King.
New York cop, Sara Pezzini, returns to the police precinct to find her deceased partner, Michael Yee. Later, she meets Ian Nottingham who she believed was dead too, but goes out to dinner with him anyway (presumably he was paying, or something). Wolverine charges into the restaurant, attacking Nottingham. Sara tries to protect Nottingham using the Witchblade, but soon realises the restaurant is an illusion and Nottingham is really Mephisto. They attack the demon together...
Elektra joins in the fight, having been sent by Zoe Culloden. Mephisto teleports Wolverine out of the fray because his name's not in the title. Pezzini uses the Witchblade to protect herself and Elektra from Mephisto's hellfire, emerging in a showy graveyard riddled with ninjas once it's all over. Confronting Mephisto in a church, the demon offers Pezzini freedom from the Witchblade. When she refuses, he teleports her home and holds on to Elektra...
In his new home in the TCU's version of Las Vegas, Mephisto now has two captives: Cyblade and Elektra. Heatwave (aka the Fire King) acts as his second-in-command and Fist is gaining more followers for the demon-lord all the time. Elektra and Cyblade break free and take on Heatwave, but are overcome because Cyblade refuses to let Elektra kill him...
The Silver Surfer follows a demon swarm through a portal and into the TCU. He teams up with Weapon Zero against Mephisto, freeing Heatwave who uses his powers to force the demon out of their dimension, sacrificing himself in the process. The Surfer (and presumably Ghost Rider, Wolverine and Elektra) return to Earth-616, leaving Cyber Force and Weapon Zero to deal with the fallout.
Follow the story in:
Witchblade #11 (tie-in)
Devil's Reign #½: Silver Surfer/Witchblade
Weapon Zero/Silver Surfer #1
Cyblade/Ghost Rider #1
Ghost Rider/Ballistic #1
Ballistic/Wolverine #1
Weapon Zero #10 (tie-in)
Cyber Force #30 (tie-in)
Wolverine/Witchblade #1
Witchblade/Elektra #1
Elektra/Cyblade #1
Silver Surfer/Weapon Zero #1
Weapon Zero continue their search for fist, running into the parasitic alien T'Srri race in the process.
Cyber Force tackle Mephisto's possessed hordes while Heatwave plans his next move and takes on a new identity as the Fire King.
New York cop, Sara Pezzini, returns to the police precinct to find her deceased partner, Michael Yee. Later, she meets Ian Nottingham who she believed was dead too, but goes out to dinner with him anyway (presumably he was paying, or something). Wolverine charges into the restaurant, attacking Nottingham. Sara tries to protect Nottingham using the Witchblade, but soon realises the restaurant is an illusion and Nottingham is really Mephisto. They attack the demon together...
Elektra joins in the fight, having been sent by Zoe Culloden. Mephisto teleports Wolverine out of the fray because his name's not in the title. Pezzini uses the Witchblade to protect herself and Elektra from Mephisto's hellfire, emerging in a showy graveyard riddled with ninjas once it's all over. Confronting Mephisto in a church, the demon offers Pezzini freedom from the Witchblade. When she refuses, he teleports her home and holds on to Elektra...
In his new home in the TCU's version of Las Vegas, Mephisto now has two captives: Cyblade and Elektra. Heatwave (aka the Fire King) acts as his second-in-command and Fist is gaining more followers for the demon-lord all the time. Elektra and Cyblade break free and take on Heatwave, but are overcome because Cyblade refuses to let Elektra kill him...
The Silver Surfer follows a demon swarm through a portal and into the TCU. He teams up with Weapon Zero against Mephisto, freeing Heatwave who uses his powers to force the demon out of their dimension, sacrificing himself in the process. The Surfer (and presumably Ghost Rider, Wolverine and Elektra) return to Earth-616, leaving Cyber Force and Weapon Zero to deal with the fallout.
Follow the story in:
Witchblade #11 (tie-in)
Devil's Reign #½: Silver Surfer/Witchblade
Weapon Zero/Silver Surfer #1
Cyblade/Ghost Rider #1
Ghost Rider/Ballistic #1
Ballistic/Wolverine #1
Weapon Zero #10 (tie-in)
Cyber Force #30 (tie-in)
Wolverine/Witchblade #1
Witchblade/Elektra #1
Elektra/Cyblade #1
Silver Surfer/Weapon Zero #1
- X-Men '97 Annual (1997) Wolverine next appears.
- Silver Surfer #126 (1997) The Silver Surfer next appears.
- Deadpool #8 (1997) Zoe Culloden next appears during Whomsoever Fights Monsters.
- Silver Surfer #133 (1997) Mephisto next appears.
- Ghost Rider #86 (1997) Ghost Rider and Jennifer Kale next appear.
- Amazing Spider-Man #424 (1997) Elektra next appears.
- Heroes Reborn: The Return #4 (1997) Eternity next appears during Heroes Return.
- Ghost Rider #93 (1998) Blackheart is overthrown as the ruler of Hell by the Ghost Rider.
- Peter Parker, Spider-Man #93 (1998) Ghost Rider abandons Hell.
- Alpha Flight #16 (1998) Mephisto appears to have reclaimed the throne in Hell.
Note: I don't know anywhere near enough about the Top Cow Universe to even suggest where each of the characters next appear or in what order, but any suggestions are welcome...!